Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Self Heating Drinks… Again

I came across an article touting the next big thing…self-heating drinks. Depending on your age, this is not a new concept. For many of us, self-heating products have been on the market for numerous years such as Wolfgang Puck’s Self-Heating Lattes (which were pulled from the market in 2006), Campbell’s Soup and a few companies that manufacture food for the camping/sportman industry.

However, self-heating food products never caught on with major food manufacturers as well as mainstream consumers. The simplicity of it is wonderful, but I enjoy the cooking experience.


Anonymous said...

I think they've never really caught on because the convienience isn't really there... the heating element in the packaging probably takes longer to heat up and then warm the beverage that it would take you to pop the drink in the microwave for 1-2min to heat it up. I think it has very limited appeal.

Teresa Cordero Cordell said...

Cocoa Lady, this is my first time on your blog. I found you through the foodie blogroll. Nice site. In addition to my mexican food blog, I have a Mexican Chocolate blog I'd love to have you visit. Do you have a recipe for Mexican Hot Chocolate?

The Cocoa Lady said...

That makes a lot of sense. Many of us have access to a microwave at work, in the office etc. So the cost benefit isn't really there from a manufacturer's perspective.

The Cocoa Lady said...

Thanks for the compliment Teresa! I have yet to perfect a solid Mexican Hot Chocolate recipe. However, I do have recipe with Mexican Vanilla on another post called "Mexican Vanilla & Hot Chocolate".