Thursday, September 4, 2008

hot cocoa during coffee break

Recently, I was contacted for advice from someone who wishes to participate in espresso/coffee breaks with colleagues at work, but does not drink espresso/coffee.

For others in the same dilemma, here is the advice I provided:

“In order to better assist you, can you tell me if your office machine has a separate milk frothing mechanism? If so, you can bring your own milk into the office and have the machine froth/heat it up for you. Once the milk if heated to the appropriate temperature, add your chocolate packet.

For ease of use, I would recommend a cocoa powder mix vs. chocolate shavings. The reason behind this suggestion is that it will take a little longer for the shavings to truly melt in the milk. Since time is of the essence, a powder cocoa would perform nicely such as Ghirardelli, Dagoba or Dufflet. However, if you are looking for something a little thicker in consistency, than a taza powder by Valor would be right up your alley. If you really which to mix things up, bring a spice packet (with Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Pumpkin Spice etc.) a few days a week to add to your hot chocolate.”

As always, “Indulge and Enjoy”!

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