Monday, September 1, 2008

Not again DC…

While following a hot chocolate trail through the Adams Morgan district to Mixtec, I observed the after work activities of the local population. Some played basketball, ran or strolled down these historical streets. Others dined the evening away at one of the many quaint restaurants that lined the main street. In my eyes, the area was clear representation of having a nice work/life balance. But then again, who am I? I don’t even live there…

At last, I arrived at Mixtec for my third and last hot chocolate tasting of the evening. The restaurant was small and split into two sides. But the best thing of all, was that both sides of the restaurant were filled with occupants. Clearly, this meant the food must be good! Although I was really there for the hot chocolate, I was starving for “real” food by that time. Since Mexican food is my favorite, I thought I would partake in a complete dining experience. Unfortunately, it was getting dark outside and I was a little too far from my hotel to try and get back in the dark. So, I opted to order two chicken tacos, one quesadilla and a hot chocolate “to go”.

After taking seat at one of the few open tables, I proceeded to dream about what was going to be in store with Mixtec’s Mexican hot chocolate. Did it have a hint of cinnamon? A dash of chilies? Did the beans come from Oaxaca or from one of the local Meso-American bean growing regions? My poor stomach growled so loudly it snapped me in to reality and the fact my order wasn’t ready. Hmmm! They are very efficient with serving other people. What is going on? Low and behold, the server came back and explained he was on batch number two of trying to make my hot chocolate. He stated the “milk was curdling or something” and it was not working out. If time wasn't an issue I would have said, “Please try again.” However, father time was not allowing me the option to stay any longer.

With my order in hand, I was off to the Metro to return to my hotel. My second hot chocolate disappointment this trip. Although the food was delicious, the experience couldn't erase my disenchantment with another failed hot chocolate trip in Washington, DC. To ease my sadness I ordered Creme Brulee from the hotel restaurant. It was definitely a nice surprise!

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