Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Closing out a delicious cocoa inspired year

This year my husband and I will be celebrating New Years at home. We decided to organize a small celebration to welcome in the new year. Of course, the celebratory activities, mainly eating and drinking, must include some form of hot chocolate or cocoa.

Along with our cheese and crackers and crab stuffed oyster shells, we are adding a dessert fondue to the menu. Since I didn’t have whipped cream or evaporated milk to make fondue from scratch, I decided to make my “own” fondue with Luker Bitter Chocolate and Sol Chocolate de Mesa con Azucar Morena (a hot chocolate table chocolate with brown sugar), a cinnamon orange sugar blend, Mexican Vanilla, Evaporated Milk and Vanilla Bean Marshmallows by Plush Puffs. Both chocolates hail from Columbia.

I know this isn’t a very nutritious recipe in the making, but I rather work with what I have then be on the road with potential drunks. Here are a few pictures of my work in progress. Stay tuned for the outcome…


Customer Service Rep said...

Yum! How'd it go?

The Cocoa Lady said...

Thanks Customer Service Rep! It went well. I just finished the post a little while ago on the fondue's outcome. Now I need to review my messy notes to confirm the recipe so I can put it up it later.