Monday, February 15, 2010

Give me a Z for Zippy!

My apologies for obsessing about Horchata. However, I must say a quick Colombian Hot Chocolate made in a blender turned into a family love affair. I selected SOL Chocolate de Mesa con Azucar Morena or Table Chocolate with Brown Sugar from Columbia to make a hot chocolate with Horchata.

Since table chocolate has a grainer texture than our typical American chocolates, I always use a blender for simplified blending. After one square of the SOL chocolate was cut, I heated the Horchata in the microwave for 1 minute and 20 seconds. Next, I added the Horchata and the SOL chocolate to the blender and hit the pulse button a few times. Tada! Instant frothy hot chocolate. I poured my frothy blend into a mug and placed it in the microwave for another minute.

Immensely pleased with the combination of zippy flavors, I proceeded to enjoy a second cup. When my husband came in, he indulged in a cup of this Colombian brew.

Horchata and SOL Chocolate de Mesa con Azucar Morena has officially become a household favorite!

1 cup Horchata
1 tablet of Central/South American or Spanish Chocolate (SOL is preferred)


old world sunflower said...

Hi, I love your blog, I want to know if the Horchata you used was premixed or did you mix it yourself, I have the powder form?? Diana

The Cocoa Lady said...

Hello, old world sunflower! It was premixed and available in the hot chocolate aisle (where I live). Of course, once the carton is opened you have to refrigerate it.

Good luck with your Horchata search!