Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hidden Treasure

After returning from two weeks of business travel, I came home to a sparkling clean house compliments from my husband.  Inspired by his wonderful deed, I continued where he left off with dusting.  Upon dusting the tins in the kitchen, I came across a heavy tin.  Since these are traditionally decorative, I could not remember what would be in them.  Low and beyond, it was two types of  Moctuzuma Table Chocolates.  What a lovely find.
Made by Chocolatera Moctuzuma S.A. DE C.V., this company has been making tablet chocolates since 1940 in Uruapan, Michoacán.

Unfortunately, the other tin wasn't so pleasant.  It contained various types of gourmet marshmallows that looked exceptionally scary.  These were the goodies I was trying to hide from my husband last year and save for myself.  But I forgot my hiding place.  I guess this is what I get for not sharing :)  'Tis the season!


Laser Toner said...

Those chocolate tablets look good. I hope you will still find other good stuffs!

The Cocoa Lady said...

So do I! We've been working on a lot of DIY projects over the holidays and I guarantee, I will come across a few more hot chocolates or cocoa teas.